Prize Unveiling

Remember the riddle?

This is a prize you will want to win.
It's something you can keep your human in.
Otherwise you might don it during a storm,
Some humans think it will make you feel safe and warm.

Well, if you guessed "t-shirt" to our prize riddle, then you were right! We have two T-shirts to give away. Here's a picture of one. It's my favorite and I don't really want to give it away. Don't you think I kind of look like the husky on the shirt?Here's a close up of the front of the shirt. It's a little blurry, but I'm sure you puppies can see it good enough.
If you're a fan of Texas or huskies, you'll want to add this shirt to your collection. You can tell your humans to wear it everyday. And we will be sure to put a tag on it that says, "Not for doggie use". That way your humans won't make you wear it.

So all you Blogathon sponsors, keep your paws crossed that you win. And if you haven't sponsored us and you want to win, please sponsor us. We just need $12 more to break $300, so grab your human's credit cards and pledge, pledge, pledge! (Actually you won't need their credit card until after Blogathon, so you can pledge away now and find it later.)


PS. We have more prizes to come which we will be posting in the days leading up to Blogathon.

Is Sitka a model?

From Steve