Stinky and apparently yummy fish chews

A new pet store opened up by the new HEB near our house. I stopped by there recently and got a bag of The Honest Kitchen fish chews.

Kat is so picky about what she will and will not eat, so I didn't know if she would like the chews, but it seemed like she did. She took it eagerly and actually chewed it rather than just guard it from Steve and Gus.

Gus was the one who was most excited. While I was opening the bag, he ran through all of the commands that he knows. Sit, down, back to sit, waving his paws in the air trying to shake, even though I wasn't holding out my hand, jumping in a circle, you name it, he did it. After all that, I thought he deserved a good chew.

I was impressed that the chews lasted longer than I expected. I figured that the pups would chomp down and the chew would break into pieces. It took them all 5-10 minutes to finish. In this house, that's a long-lasting chew!

Innocent puppies?

Happy Birthday Steve and Kat!! (alternate title: How are Steve and Kat 11???)