Bark for your Heart

This morning we ran the Bark for your Heart 5K here in town. It was really fun, but we always enjoy opportunities to run.

We had a girls team.


And a boys team.


We started at the back of the race because Mom and Dad didn't want us to get too crowded by other dogs near the starting line. As soon as the race people said, "On your mark, get set, GO!" we really went. Mom and I took the outside and passed people and Dad and Steve wandered through the middle to pass people. Eventually we separated ourselves from the pack and settled in to run together. (Excuse the blurry picture. It's hard to run and photograph at the same time.)


As we approached the finish line, Mom and I decided that girls rule and boys drool so we kicked it into high gear and passed some more people on our way to the finish line. We must have motivated Dad and Steve too because they finished after us, but no one finished between. I was the 3rd place dog finisher and Steve was the 4th place dog finisher!


Next time we need to kick it up even more because during the awards ceremony, the first place dog was awarded a year supply of dog food! That is a pretty great prize.


I did get a prize I really like. Petsmart gave me a ball. I really enjoyed playing with it in the parking lot!


Well, that's our race in review. I need to go take a nap now and rest.


Somewhat Silent Summer

Friday Fast One