Happy birthday to us!

It's our birthday today! We are 7. It's pretty hard to believe. We didn't really get any presents today because in the last month we have gotten some other things like two new beds, so those were early birthday presents. Mom and Dad still made sure we had a special day though. 

Mom came home about an hour early from work so we could go on an extra long walk. 


Then for supper, Mom and Dad had pizza, which is our favorite meal for them. Of course, we got to eat the crusts. 


Dad made us a cake today. It was very delicious. It had banana, carrots, and carob chips in it. 


We even got some Blue Bell ice cream! 


Doesn't that look yummy? 


Mom and Dad sang "Happy Birthday" to us while we eyed our cake and ice cream. 


Then we got to dig in. 


It was wonderful! Mom said we should have had some friends over because we still have a lot of cake to eat, but don't worry, we don't mind! 

Steve and Kat

Lake Run

Friday Fast One