Hey pups! Kat here. I have a big announcement. I have a new blog series for 2009. It's called "Kat's Crazy Kitchen". Mom was going to call it "Kat's Krazy Kitchen" but Dad told her that was a bad idea for some reason. (He didn't like "Khat's Khrazy Khitchen" either, Khyra.) I'm not sure how regularly I will post new cooking recipes, but I promise it will be at least once per month. As a sneak peek, I'm going to reveal the first project. This weekend, we will be making good, old-fashioned Canine Chocolate Chip Cookies. Yum!
Speaking of treats, cookies, and baking, we don't want anypup to think that we have completely started eating Mom's treats. Oh, no, we are still forever fans of Happy Hearts Cookies. In fact, we have something new to share about the powers of the Happy Hearts Cookie. I'm sure you pups have heard the old adage:
Keeps the Ole Vet at Bay!
Well, that's it, pups. I hope you all are having a great week!
PS. I've added an area on the sidebar where I will keep links to all of my recipes. That way, when you're in the mood for cookies, you know where to send your Mom (or Dad).