Fine. I'm going to admit this. While I am having a great time with Huffle, I really miss my mom. So I'm going to fly back to Washington tomorrow. Under no circumstances is anyone to assume that I miss the furry beasts. I do not. And I only miss Mom because she gives me treats. That's the only reason. I'm still going to attack her every chance I get and fart in her face. (Tia, don't read that last part.)
So Huffle, thanks so much for letting me hang out with you. I really had a great time. I'm glad we worked out a way for you to keep Salvador busy while getting some privacy from the puparazzi. (For you readers, Huffle and I ambushed Salvador during one of his cat naps and spray painted him completely black. Now Salvador will be mistaken for Huffle, so he'll be busy with the cameras and Huffle can live in peace.)
Now I'm going to go get some sleep before my flight.