I have many rebellious acts under my belt due to my coolness in fact. If the parents try to pet me when I don’t want it or they try to push me away from overpowering my sister Kat (the weaker one), I just turn my head and bite whatever hand I can…but only enough to really get them steamed but not break too much skin. A great example is in this photo. That’s right I affected their wedding pictures with the bite marks I left on dad’s hands. I have so much power over these two its not even funny.

Well anyways, back to my name. My dad named me. In fact he named me many years before I was even born. Apparently I am named because my dad saw a racing dog named Steve at a dog track and knew he must have a dog named Steve. It’s just that simple. I am named after a professional racing dog. From what I understand, that dog didn’t win his race but still, how cool is it that I am named after a profession racing dog? I think I am pretty speedy as well and maybe one day I will have to challenge that dog to a race. I bet I could take him.
I have a middle name as well. Oliver. I believe I was given this name because dad wanted to call me Steve-O sometimes as a fun name to call me. So they came up with Oliver. It’s just a middle name and I don’t hear it much so I’m OK with this name. These names are just a formality for the parents anyway to make them feel like they have some control over us. I would tell you guys my real dog name but I know some humans are reading this and I don’t want my real name known to them. I do think my parents did good in naming me though and I really don’t mind it because of how cool it is. So that is the story of my name.